Monday, February 26, 2007

The Fifth Pillar

The name emerged out of a casual yet focused conversation with a long lost friend. A friend, who was never lost, as somewhere down my memory lane, he still used to visit the remains. It is to celebrate the effort of the reminiscence, the use of technology for the right means.

It was then as usual, that he reminded me of something that governs the whole affair of governance--journalism or THE FIFTH PILLAR of governance.

And so being fond of writing as he is, and being fond of compilations as I am (of words, I don't call it writing as I find myself barely collecting enough words that would make it a writing, I am learning though)--we dedicate this space to all those who want to talk about anything they want, any issues global or social, humanity or insanity, ethical or unethical, of night or of day, Mathematics or Physics, Politics or Economy, life or existence, death or after death. Something and everything that would have substance to VETO the super powers of this world.

Let goodness prevail.

1 comment:

Blackpearl said...

"I have a dream....." said Martin Luther King. Rajiv Gandhi said the same. One was trying to achieve for his underpriviledged brethens in the land of opportunities, the other was trying to creat a new land of opportunities.
I too have a dream. My dream may not be the dream of a Prime Minister or a mass leader, never the less, it is no small one. Rinku has been my long lost friend, the sweetest ever, not because of the attraction of sparks but because of the resonance of waves, the waves of thoughts, of hindsight, of belief in the one-man-can-change-all attitude.

Fifthpillar has been created with the same Dream in mind.

I have long believed that there is something wrong in the way humanity has evolved. Somewhere down the evolutionary process, when groups of nomads colasced into nationalities they selfprogrammed for their self destruction too. It is amazing that homosapian-sapians are the only single species creatures who have ruled the planet yet. But we are the only species who have created for ourselves the maximum number of artificial barriers. We have locked ourselves in the limits of borders, race, ethenicity, lifestyle, academics and so many more ways that we have forgotten a very simple and unassuming truth. That we are all humans residing on earth, which is our only home, in a radius of a few million lightyears! We have no one else but us to look after us. It is in this spirit of universal brotherhood that the fifth pillar has been created, to argue discuss and to bring home the point, that no matter what the problem, no matter what the difference, we are one in flesh blood and soul. We will try to dispel the myth that the over fed Americans are better than the poor nigerian malnutritioned, just because they have a better loo to flush into.!
Or for that matter, the British have a fair sense of justice because they are original parliamentarians and the chinese are not just because they allow chinese to have sex but not have its byproducts, the BABIES!!!!!!!!

We intend to make the readers understand that every single body has a dignity, which should be respected. I have consciously avoided the word nationality because I as Noam Chomsky does, do not like the idea of Nations. It is a dangerous idea. For example there is no such thing as American or British, or Chinese or French or Indian interest, when it comes to global warming. Any 1st world leader can scuttle any agreement on environmental protection, Killing of many Kyotos, not cutting on the carbon emmissions, thereby saving its powerful lobby of thermal energy producers. But no leader of whatever stature, does not have the muscle to stop the melting of greenland ice or the rate of it. Nor can he/she stop the visiting of Hurricane Katherine or Rita from visiting its shores!

If there is, it is only one interest. Humanity, and its support system, the wonderful flora and fauna.

Dear readers, let me leave you to your thoughts at what you have just read. But pray do visit again. This is just the beginning.

Two legends in the making have
joined to stir your soul.We will keep on stirring it till it is transformed.

"I have a dream...................."
And, so the story goes on..